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Licensure Information

Licensure Information


License Request

To apply for licensure as a Respiratory Care Practitioner, the Delaware Board of Medical Practice requires primary source verification of all credentials.  Please follow these instructions. If you have questions, please contact the Delaware Board of Medical Practice at (302) 744-4500 or at


License Verification

To verify licensure status for a respiratory care practitioner in Delaware, click the following link and perform a license verification search:


RCP License Renewal

Here is some important information:

The licensure period runs for 2 years starting from November 1st to October 31st.

Make sure you have the requisite number of continuing education units. You need twenty (20) contact hours of continuing education every two years. At least 10 of the required contact hours must be from traditional programs attended either in person or remotely by the use of telecommunication technology that allows you to interact with and ask questions of the presenter during the presentation.

For each renewal period, you must take the online training entitled Medical Professionals Mandatory Reporting Training. To register for the training, go to When you register, select Medical Professionals on the Group Code drop-down.

A few people have asked whether the Criminal History Record Check Authorization form and the Delaware Child Protection Registry Request form need to be submitted for a renewal. They do not, nor do you need to have fingerprints done again.


Continuing Educational Requirements (CEU)

This information can be found at Delaware Department of Professional Regulation

Delaware Society for Respiratory Care

401 Ogletown Rd
PO Box 5951
Newark DE, 197

Tax ID Number: 501(C)(6): 51-0346528

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